Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Nuffin muffin

Another cold, horrible day out there so here I am again.

Nothing much to report although I'm not happy with the evil birds around here at the moment. They've stolen my lily of the valley that I planted a few weeks ago ... and I don't just mean leaves or petals or heads ... I mean the whole damn thing, roots and all!!! There's absolutely no trace of it being there :/

Hmmm there's a bit of a gardening theme developing here but I'm not really a green thumb. It's just that I recently moved into this house and I'm going through a phase at the moment of being obssessed with getting everything the way I want it.

I've been through this gardening phase before but don't worry ... once I kill everything it'll pass and I'll move on to something else lol.

Had a bit of an emergency this morning with one of my son's hermit crabs. Ugly thingie has grown so much it was hanging out of its shell and couldn't fit back in.

Of course he was devastated thinking it was dying soooooooooo off we went to the pet shop before school and sat there till it opened.

10 buckaroonies for two freaking shells? Guess what I'll be collecting next time we hit the beach lol. I haven't checked to see whether it's crawled into one of the new ones yet. Guess I better do that now.

Ciao for now


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