Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Picture this ...

A room full of 100 nekkid people and me in a snowsuit, complete with mask, goggles (or whatever they're called), gloves - not a smidgeon of skin showing anywhere - and one evil mosquito.

Picturing it? Got the gist of it? Ok!

Guess what that little sucker is going to do?

It's going to dive kamikazi-style RIGHT - AT - ME!!!!

I will be the only person in that room full of butt-nekkid people to leave covered in mossie bites.

So, if you're having a party and want to keep the little fuckers at bay, invite me.

Now I'm off to find some cream before I rip myself to pieces.


Blogger Shauna said...

Oh my god! That is like me too! The mosquitoes love me. Not only that but I get giant red welts when they bite me.


8:13 am  
Blogger Mushster said...

Yaay, I'm not alone. I have so many on my feet at the moment that I look like elephant woman and anything that touches them sends me into an itching frenzy!

It drives me insane ... oh wait, I already was insane.

Yes! Very, very unfair!

8:59 am  

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