Some things just aren't right
You know how, the older you get the faster time seems to pass? Well I must have aged about 20 years in the past few weeks because I just cannot believe how fast time seems to be passing by lately.
(Ok all you youngins that landed here by mistake and don't know what I'm talking about ... time to move on kiddos because this could get ugly and scar you for life, hup hup hup).
I find myself looking upwards a lot at the moment and saying "What are you thinking?" "How can you do this to me?"
Yes I swear and blaspheme to "Him" allllllllllll the time. No wonder He doesn't bloody listen to me!
As if I don't have enough to contend with He speeds up time even more? Well damnit, I will not let you do this to me. So I'm not getting everything done that needs doing, pff so what, so I wake up not knowing what day it is sometimes? Ha, easily fixed because I have my computer to tell me! So there!
You think you're upsetting me with all my daggy, saggy thingies? Not a chance buddy! So you think about this the next time you decide something else on me is gonna sag or bag or disappear or appear ....
1. My boobs are now great knee-warmers
2. My ass will soon keep my ankles warm
3. My sleeplessness means I can swear at you for longer
4. The bags under my eyes are great for carrying my groceries.
Hear that? It's all good damnit!
(Ok all you youngins that landed here by mistake and don't know what I'm talking about ... time to move on kiddos because this could get ugly and scar you for life, hup hup hup).
I find myself looking upwards a lot at the moment and saying "What are you thinking?" "How can you do this to me?"
Yes I swear and blaspheme to "Him" allllllllllll the time. No wonder He doesn't bloody listen to me!
As if I don't have enough to contend with He speeds up time even more? Well damnit, I will not let you do this to me. So I'm not getting everything done that needs doing, pff so what, so I wake up not knowing what day it is sometimes? Ha, easily fixed because I have my computer to tell me! So there!
You think you're upsetting me with all my daggy, saggy thingies? Not a chance buddy! So you think about this the next time you decide something else on me is gonna sag or bag or disappear or appear ....
1. My boobs are now great knee-warmers
2. My ass will soon keep my ankles warm
3. My sleeplessness means I can swear at you for longer
4. The bags under my eyes are great for carrying my groceries.
Hear that? It's all good damnit!
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