Saturday, April 30, 2005

I have a sock ...

... Yes, a sock, not a pair of socks, 'a' sock.

It sits inconspiciously in the laundry amongst a pile of singles waiting for their partners to return from the 'land of the missing socks'. The difference with this one is that I know 100% that it will never be reunited with its partner because, unlike the others, I know where this sock is.

Back in the days when they were a pair, they were never one of my favourites ... they have Winnie the Pooh on them and I've never been a fan ... but they did serve a purpose because the foot part was plain grey and being the co-ordination freak that I am (I have socks in every colour of the rainbow), they went well under grey pants.

Of course they had to come with me on my last trip to (I'll be generic here) Europe because I was taking my grey pants and they were the only grey socks I had damnit.

I suppose you can guess now where the missing sock is.

While I know where they both are, I do wonder how it's being treated.

I know it was cared for and kept in a safe place, at first (like mine) ... but now? I wonder.

Has it been hidden away? (Out of sight, out of mind?)
Has it been thrown out completely?
And what has become of other things left on purpose or on request ... the loofah, the almost-empty bottle of perfume, the shower gel, the t-shirt, the cds, etc?

I know my sock would be upset if it's soul mate was tossed away in contempt.

Wondering, wondering ... not everything has a point. Some things will always end with a ?


Blogger Shauna said...

It will be one of the enduring mysteries of your life. Where is the sock now and how was it treated?

tee hee

9:12 am  
Blogger Patrick M. Tracy said...


Thanks for coming over and saying nice things about my poetry. I'm sorry to hear that some anonymous people have been giving you trouble. I hope they leave you alone, or get carpal tunnel syndrome or something.

I've always wondered where certain lost things end up--socks, baseball caps, pencils, the kid's play toy that bounces out beyond the school fences...I think it's kinda neat for you to know that one of your posessions is in Europe (generically speaking). I'd love to say that I knew my racquetball is in Argentina or something to that effect, but I'm not that cool.

I hope you have a great day.

9:35 am  
Blogger Mushster said...

Uhuh, and I hate mysteries so I think I'll make up my own ending.

"The sock was framed and placed pride of place on the mantlepiece.

To this day it is gazed upon whistfully, a shrine to its perfect nate!"


9:46 am  
Blogger Mushster said...


You're welcome, and thank you!

I love the carpal tunnel idea and I'm going to include that in my bedtime prayers (or maybe something a little more sinister) ;)

Lost things ... I'm sure there's a place called Land of the Lost. Wasn't it a TV show? If so, it must be true!

You have a great day/night too and thanks for coming over. :)

9:54 am  
Blogger Mushster said...

btw ... nate? "mate". Doh@me!

9:55 am  

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