Wednesday, November 09, 2005
About Me
- Name: Mushster
- Location: Australia
If I give you a piece of my heart, I will never take it back.

Previous Posts
- You Are What You Eat
- Home again
- Thankyou to the sweeties who emailed me about yest...
- Got this in an email a few days ago and it's so me...
- Yesterday's mush is today's blubbering mess.Some t...
- The Mushter's in Mushy Mode
- Suckitysuckitysucksuck
- My New Course
- My Town
- A Fillerinerer.....
My Daily Fixes

Who Links Here
That's outrageous.
Honey, you may need to seek professional help. ;)
I'm not sure if that's good or bad Alex but hi lol.
You've only just realised that Muse? lol ;)
That's disturbing.
oh wow... LOL
mush, it is what it is. and that's all it will ever be. how's that for being vague?
Poor Fly lol.
There's more Monkey but maybe I'll give you guys a break for a while hehe.
You do vague very well Alex lol.
i actually feel like eatin my veggies today :)
I was here to make a comment, but I'm not sure how best to approach the "fun with vegetables" posts. I will say that I opened them at work inadvertantly, and was lucky no one was looking over my shoulder.
Eat up Maddy, it's good for you ... and welcome :)
lol sorry Firehawk but I did warn ya ;)
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