Methinks this post is going to jump from one topic to another with absolutely no connection whatsoever.
I must admit I'm having a bit of trouble navigating this site. I don't normally have this problem ... maybe it's just where my head is at the moment (no it's not up my ass tyvm) although there are a few people who immediately come to mind when I think of heads up asses.
Like the person who suggested to me that a proper discussion cannot take place unless emotion is excluded. Sorry asshole but I wasn't programmed from birth to be an emotionless robot the way you and your cronies were and showing feelings
does not replace rationality, in normal people they can co-exist quite happily.
Ok rant over for now.
The hermit crab still hasn't moved into its new home and now we think it may be laying eggs ... I guess we'll find out soon enough lol.
Think I'll go and have some retail therapy now. Hmm what's on the list I hear you not ask? I'll tell you anyway!
Tomato plants (there's that gardening theme again lol), a leadlighting kit, some sample paint pots, maybe some light fittings ... and a shitload of chocolate 'cos I sure as hell need something at the moment.