A few of the things going through my head at the moment ...
~ How do you tell the difference between pride and ego?
~ Why is it that I would feel I'm cheating and betraying a certain someone if I ever start a new relationship (or renew an old one)?
~ Time doesn't heal all wounds. Some turn into inoperable cancers.
~ Where's the freakin off-switch to my brain?
~ How do you tell the difference between pride and ego?
~ Why is it that I would feel I'm cheating and betraying a certain someone if I ever start a new relationship (or renew an old one)?
~ Time doesn't heal all wounds. Some turn into inoperable cancers.
~ Where's the freakin off-switch to my brain?
~ maybe ego is more selfserving?
~ because that is where your heart is?
~ I agree.
~ when you find it let me know.
Missed you girl.
When you find that switch, will ya show me where to find it? Missed ya as well. :)
~You're right, it is. I guess the problem I have is trying to work out whether either of those things are causing some of my feelings.
~ Again, it is ... and I don't want it to be.
~ Sigh
~ I will, thinking sucks
I will but don't hold your breath, I've been looking for it for waaaay too long.
You both must be masochists if you missed me lol
Ego, in Freudian terms, is your everyday, rational mind. The element of your personality which directly confronts moment-by-moment issues and is concerned with how things ARE. This is opposed to the ID, who just knows what you WANT, and the SUPER EGO, who knows what SHOULD BE in a perfect world.
Now, the way ego is normally used is in the parlance of self-assurance and confidence. In this sense, I would say that ego is based on previous successes, generalizing that to future tasks and challenges. An ego-filled person feels that, since they've been right and successful in the past, it follows that they'll be right and successful in the future.
Pride, on the other hand, tends to be less logical. Pride allows someone to disconnect with any logical evidence to the contrary and assume rightness or success in a venture. Also, I'm told it goeth before the fall.
Er, matters of the heart are more complicated. I'll just say that these feelings are from the subconscious area, and are there because you still feel some obligation or attatchment to that "certain someone".
Time heals only the wounds you're willing to leave behind.
There is no off switch, but understanding friends can sometimes be induced to etherize you or smash a wine bottle over your head. I don't recommend either option.
Hmm, well some would say I'm not rational so I guess that leaves ego out of it lol.
Actually I'm not sure either have much to do with the way I am. Maybe it's more an intense disappointment I feel, ohhhh I don't know ... just thinking out loud I guess.
So, if the mind is willing how do you get the rest of you to follow? Questions, questions lol.
I like your first option ... any volunteers?
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