Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Burning down the house

The disaster I thought I'd averted last week has actually happened.

Don't ask me how but the main folders I was worried about keeping have been lost. I can replace programs, I can replace music, I can make new graphics if I have to, I can scrounge around and try to get copies of a couple of things from others I sent them to ... but there are some that are irreplacable.

Of course I didn't lose anything I could replace did I *sigh*

I'm heartbroken at the moment. I feel like my house has burnt down along with all my photo albums ... yeah, it was my extra special photos that I've lost.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Burn baby burn

I've finally done it. I've ordered my new computer!

I have a friend who's in the know about these things so I gave him my criteria ... superdooper graphics card, the mother of all soundcards and FAST!

He rang with prices two days ago and said to give him a call when I was ready ... I said I'm ready! I want it! lol

Soooooooo, while he's working his fingers to the bone building it, I'm working my lill fingies to the bone burning, burning, burning everything I want from this one onto discs.

It'll be here in the next day or two so I won't be around much while it's all happening.

Who knows, maybe it'll give me some motivation too ~ I'm not counting on it though lol.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


I may not say much here but there are certain issues I feel very strongly about - Whaling being one of them.

One way I keep track of some of my interests is by being a subscriber of the Greenpeace newsletter, which have been coming in thick and fast over the past few weeks.

I've already sent off letters (snail mail) but also think it's worthwhile adding a few things here.

For those of you who may have missed it in the papers, here's a brief rundown on what's happening at the moment.

On November 8th, a whaling fleet left Japan for the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, south west of Western Australia, intending to kill 1,000 whales, including endangered fin whales.

Yesterday (November 18), Greenpeace issued this statement:

Greenpeace is sending two ships to oppose continued whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. The MY Esperanza and the MY Arctic Sunrise, leave Cape Town this weekend as part of Greenpeace's largest ever expedition - a year long tour to defend the world's oceans. read more ...

There are several ways everyone can help not only the whales but our oceans in general.

If you're able, donate here.
Ask the Federal Minister for Environment to save our deep seas. Form
Stop pirate fishing in the Pacific. Sign Petition

Have a good weekend everyone.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Ahem ;)

You Are Japanese Food

Strange yet delicious.
Contrary to popular belief, you're not always eaten raw.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


My poor backspace key is getting a real workout lately and I'm sure my electricity bill has doubled because I sit staring at a blinking cursor and blank screen for so long.

I was going to talk about summer being just around the corner but it's all gone now. The words, not summer. I was going to tell you about the jogger I saw on my way home today, he really cracked me up ... but that's all gone too. I was also thinking about updating you on the evil teens but, blah they're just plain evil, what more do I need to say about that?

I was also going to make this week a "lyrics theme" but ummmmmm, it's already Wednesday so it wouldn't be a week lol.

Looks like I decided to babble about nothing instead. I think I'll go now and google 'deserted islands for sale'. I promised someone I'd do that and we plan to run away lol.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

For Seamus :p

There once was a man called Seamy
Who took great pity on poor-me
He popped in one day
To have a lill say ...

... and now he's a nosey bugger who wants to know the story!

Teehee :p

So ... here's both(un)titillating tales.

This was my 23rd post in full:

Picture this ...

A room full of 100 nekkid people and me in a snowsuit, complete with mask, goggles (or whatever they're called), gloves - not a smidgeon of skin showing anywhere - and one evil mosquito.

Picturing it? Got the gist of it? Ok!

Guess what that little sucker is going to do?

It's going to dive kamikazi-style RIGHT - AT - ME!!!!

I will be the only person in that room full of butt-nekkid people to leave covered in mossie bites.

So, if you're having a party and want to keep the little fuckers at bay, invite me. Now I'm off to find some cream before I rip myself to pieces.

As for the veggie-feast, I've had these for years ... and years, and etc. I have folder upon folder upon folder full of graphics and pics because I used to make a lot of e-cards and graphics for other sites and I have a very bad habit of keeping just about everything. I don't like that delete button very much but (I think I've mentioned it before) as I'm trying to unclog this poor 'ol computer and save what I need and want before it dies on me, I'm finding a lot of things I'd forgotten I had.

Welp, there you have it.

And now .... I lay the veggies to rest :D

ps. Firehawk, please don't rate my poetry *grin*

Thursday, November 10, 2005


I was tagged by Fly and since I'm a good girl (hush people) I'm doing what I'm told.

1. Delve into your blog archive.
2. Search the archives for the 23rd post.
3. Find the 5th sentence, or closest to.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions. Ponder it for meaning, subtext or hidden agendas.
5. Tag 5 people to do the same.

Here's what I found:

I will be the only person in that room full of butt-nekkid people to leave covered in mossie bites.

Oh I remember it well lol. Now, *tags anyone who hasn't done it yet* :)



If you don't like veggies or you do but you're at work, do not scroll down ;)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Continuing my health kick ...

Five servings a day remember ;)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

You Are What You Eat

Enjoy your veggies this week :)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Home again

Hi all. Back home again. The trip was pretty much as I expected and I'm glad to be back.

Having said that though, what I've come back to is total chaos. What can go wrong has, in fact, gone wrong and the only light in my life right now is half a world away but still, it is a very bright, very beautiful light.

So, back to the chaos. I haven't mentioned it before now but the teenager's boyfriend has been staying with us due to family problems ... ok ok and because I'm a sucker and went all soft and said ok. Originally it was only supposed to be for a few days, that has turned into almost 4 weeks now.

It's a real strain, not only emotionally and physically (because it's a lot more work for me) but financially. Oh but his mum did send over $20 the other week ... very generous huh.

So that's that part, next ... my mum has decided (finally) to retire. It's way overdue but oh God kill me now please.

As an only child I get the full brunt of everything, good and bad and my future will now include constant phone calls to talk about nothing and hangups if the kids say I'm in the shower or if I don't respond the way she'd like.

There's also a meeting I've been summoned to next week with a councilor (sp? I'm screwing that word up a lot lately) at the teenager's school and no, I don't have a clue what it's about other than there are probs not only at school but home as well. I have no bloody idea what I'll be hit with when I walk in so blah @ that.

There's more but I'll spare you the details lol.

I haven't been able to get around to all of you yet so forgive me, I will get there.
Wacha doin' way down here? ;)