Saturday, April 30, 2005

I have a sock ...

... Yes, a sock, not a pair of socks, 'a' sock.

It sits inconspiciously in the laundry amongst a pile of singles waiting for their partners to return from the 'land of the missing socks'. The difference with this one is that I know 100% that it will never be reunited with its partner because, unlike the others, I know where this sock is.

Back in the days when they were a pair, they were never one of my favourites ... they have Winnie the Pooh on them and I've never been a fan ... but they did serve a purpose because the foot part was plain grey and being the co-ordination freak that I am (I have socks in every colour of the rainbow), they went well under grey pants.

Of course they had to come with me on my last trip to (I'll be generic here) Europe because I was taking my grey pants and they were the only grey socks I had damnit.

I suppose you can guess now where the missing sock is.

While I know where they both are, I do wonder how it's being treated.

I know it was cared for and kept in a safe place, at first (like mine) ... but now? I wonder.

Has it been hidden away? (Out of sight, out of mind?)
Has it been thrown out completely?
And what has become of other things left on purpose or on request ... the loofah, the almost-empty bottle of perfume, the shower gel, the t-shirt, the cds, etc?

I know my sock would be upset if it's soul mate was tossed away in contempt.

Wondering, wondering ... not everything has a point. Some things will always end with a ?

Friday, April 29, 2005

Kinda Speechless but ..

My thoughts are jumping from one thing to another so quickly that it's impossible to post something that ties them all into a coherent post, so just a few quick things I would like to get out are:

1. I am still here thanks to two people -
Flygirl and another friend who doesn't blog. Sometimes people don't realise how much influence they have over others and a single word can make all the difference.

2. TGIF !!

3. Shapelle Corby is innocent!

4. Tequila

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I'm seriously considering whether I want to stay on the net. I need to heal some very deep wounds and get away from the idiot who still continues to send me anonymous emails about things I really, really, don't want to know.

I thought I could start again-new blog, new site, etc, away from the hurt and pain and troublemakers of the past - but some things (ppl) find you wherever you go - parasites wanting to suck you dry.

I'm not sure when I'll be posting again.

Monday, April 25, 2005


For the Fallen
by Laurence Binyon

They shall grow not old,
As we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun,
And in the morning,
We will remember them.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

To do

I'm so tired today I keep forgetting where I've been and what I've done. I've signed up for a few online things but if you asked me what at the moment, I really couldn't tell you. I've been back to sites I've already been to because I forgot I was there and I only have a vague recollection of getting the bratskies off to school.

Bummer because I had a full day planned and I already know most isn't going to happen but I had an idea that if I made a public list I might be too embarassed to come back later and say I hadn't done anything on it so here goes:

* Change the heading colour in the template (doubtful because I've been wanting to do it for yonks and still haven't)

* Restain my furniture. (Also doubtful because it's a huge job).

* Ironing (uggh)

* Get a 'notice of disposal' form from the police station

* Ring the plasterer to find out wtf he didn't show up

* Start on making some ecards for my other site

* Find some nice recipes (because I'm tired of cooking the same 'ol same 'ol)

* Weeding (blah)

* misc. that I can't think of at the moment

So. We'll see!

Update: I forgot to add:
* Look for my mind and my motivation (I lost both a while ago and I would really like them back)!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Picture this ...

A room full of 100 nekkid people and me in a snowsuit, complete with mask, goggles (or whatever they're called), gloves - not a smidgeon of skin showing anywhere - and one evil mosquito.

Picturing it? Got the gist of it? Ok!

Guess what that little sucker is going to do?

It's going to dive kamikazi-style RIGHT - AT - ME!!!!

I will be the only person in that room full of butt-nekkid people to leave covered in mossie bites.

So, if you're having a party and want to keep the little fuckers at bay, invite me.

Now I'm off to find some cream before I rip myself to pieces.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

My mood ...

... says it all.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Morning All

All I can manage at the moment are sporadic posts and one or two liners which jump all over the place so apologies to anyone who stumbles here. Negativity is really boring.

Being down in the doldrums really sucks, specially when it lasts so long you end up forgetting what the real 'you' is really like.

Anyway, a few random things:

* Sunday morning and no hangover. Went out for dinner last night to my favourite Chinese restaurant and took along a beautiful bottle of Pink Fronti (brought back from a winery I went to last week) and when that little voice said 'you've had enough', I actually listened for a change. *Claps myself*

* The air is crisp, the sun is shining and all is still peacefully quiet. I'll enjoy this solitude while everyone still sleeps.

* A good sign that today may be ok is that when I went to brush my teeth this morning I looked in the mirror and thought "wow, I'm having a great hair day today".

So without further ado I'll go and find something nice to wear and spend the day out somewhere, swishing my hair in the sunshine :)

Friday, April 15, 2005

Can you help?

I've just had this question posted on my message board and as I can't help personally, I thought I'd post it here in case anyone else could. If you have an opinion about this please leave a comment and I'll pass it on. Thanks.

"In case you've met any Germans, what was their sense of humour like? I'm gonna write a cross-cultural essay about the British and German sense of humour by the look of things. Oh, and if you think Germans don't have a sense of humour, do say it. I want to know. In Germany, some people say the British don't have a sense of humour, for example."

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Uh huh Uh huh

Monday, April 11, 2005

Hmmpff & tssk

So, here I am, which just isn't right. None of my favourite bloggers have posted today so instead of lurking around reading them I'm here in my own little spot whinging and whining and having (yes having) to bore the shit out of any of you poor souls who happen to come across this by mistake.

What to write, what to write ... I did actually have loads of things I was going to write about when I got back but they've all gone "poof" into thin air.

My plants did survive the heat - revelled in it as a matter of fact and we came home to find two teensy green tomatoes on the only plant I managed to keep alive when I first put them in (five experienced a few days of my neglect and decided to commit hari kari).

The house survived the evil cat too. Although she has developed a new habit. Instead of taking the normal floor route from kitchen to laundry when she's being fed, she now detours over kitchen bench to breakfast bar to kitchen table to familyroom floor through to laundry.

Skidding uncontrollably all the way I might add, because the surfaces are granite to polished timber, more timber and then tiles.

The only satisfaction I get is when she's forced to a halt by skidding headfirst into the laundry door at ridiculously high speeds.

Ha! Payback baby!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Umm duh!

I'm back. A few things to prattle on about but no time at the moment. I couldn't let this go though - today's weather on my ISP homepage.

How does this work?

"Sun April 10.10:41AM
Cold, More sun than clouds, ThunderstormsMax 31°C"

Cold and 31?

Well the real live report from moi as I type: it's stinkingbloodyhot! Hot, hot, HOT, not a cloud in the sky, no breeze and no 'cold' whatsoever. I hope the thunderstorm comes though ... I love a good storm :)

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Toodles for now...

Welp, caught up on my favourite blogs, stuffed up a comment (I think) :/, packed and ready to go. Hope the plants survive the heat, hope the house survives the weirdo cat, hope everyone has a week they're wishing for and .... ah well, I just live in hope I guess.

Laters alligators >>>>>>>>>>>

Friday, April 01, 2005

A Short Interval

I'm lost for words about so much that's going on at the moment.

Anyway, I'm going away tomorrow for a week so maybe that will clear away the doom and gloom and cobwebs of what at one time used to be a well-functioning, productive brain which could communicate very succinctly to the hands what it wanted to say.

Fingers crossed.
Wacha doin' way down here? ;)